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Product Innovation and Impact

We grow when we deliver value to our customers. The value we deliver through customer-driven innovation increasingly is based on how we help our customers meet their sustainability goals. Grace products and technical services improve the efficiency of our customers' processes, reduce energy and water use, cut harmful emissions, conserve material inputs, and reduce waste. Our technologies enable our customers to make products that meet the toughest environmental standards or to reformulate products to address rising consumer and regulatory expectations for sustainability, human health, and safety.

Our goal of growing from $2 billion to $3 billion in annual revenue was built on a foundation of rising living standards, demand for cleaner fuels, and the trend toward stricter environmental standards. 

As our customers' appetites for more sustainable products and processes have increased, so too has Grace's focus on integrating sustainability into the design, functionality, and value propositions of our products. Our best customers are innovative, value-focused, and increasingly demand solutions that move them forward toward their sustainability goals.

Our commitment to helping our customers meet their sustainability goals is set at the very top of the company. 

Grace also delivers value through operational excellence, continually tracking progress toward our goals of no one hurt, nothing out of place, and no harm from our products.  The discipline of continually improving the efficiency and performance of our manufacturing and integrated supply chain is deeply embedded in our culture and annual operating plans.