Grace's extensive research and development in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) has resulted in development of many specialized evaluation tools, two of which are shown here. To explore these and other available tools, please contact your Grace representative.
Delivering FCC Value through Technical Service
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Grace DCR™ Pilot Plant
The Grace DCR™ Pilot Plant is a proprietary circulating riser pilot FCC unit. The DCR™ is the leading, commercially available technology for small-scale FCC pilot units thanks to its pressure-balanced, slide-valve controlled, adiabatic operation. These innovations have led to more than 34 DCR™ units being licensed worldwide, including three units used by Grace. A description of the application of the DCR™ to a variety of feedstock and process designs can be found in the Spring 2013 Catalagram article "Flexible Pilot Plant Technology for Evaluation of Unconventional Feedstocks and Processes."
G-CON® (Grace-Calculated Octane Number) software
The G-CON® (Grace-Calculated Octane Number) software program estimates research and motor octane for gasoline samples based on a calculation model that uses detailed gas chromatographic analysis of the gasoline composition. The software allows for calculation of RON and MON numbers for gasoline samples produced in laboratory testing that are too small for conventional knock-engine octane analysis. The model also provides powerful predictive capabilities in examination of the dependence of gasoline octane quality on boiling range and composition.